
Find out what HCEF is doing to nurture and expand its impact on the Henderson County education community. Follow us on our social platforms or sign-up to receive our e-newletter!


HCEF E-Newsletter

Stay abreast of what’s happening at HCEF! You can sign on to reeive our quarterly newsletter and other educational information, right into your email inbox! We will cover all aspects of education news and programs, as well as fundraising and community events.

HCEF Social Media

Follow HCEF on our Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. Get the latest HCEF news, videos and announcements on the go! Register for events, comment on photos and show your support by sharing relevant HCEF posts to your colleagues, friends and family

Visit our photo gallery to view our latest events, fundraisers and all our volunteers and staff in action! Simply select your gallery of choice and enlarge the images at full screen view with interactive navigation. 

Photo Gallery